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Phishing Alert!

You might receive or might have received an email with the subject "the binary numbers of me using 1 and 2". It's a spam and phishing email. Don't trust the message as it contains click baits. Mark the email as Spam.

Phishing is an attempt to obtain sensitive information by disguising as a trustworthy entity in an electronic communication for malicious reasons. Here's a quick step-by-step on how to identify a phishing mail:

1. Check the identity of the sender - the sender is disguised for example as affiliated with the University, but they are actually not.

2. The "Sense of Urgency" - attackers mostly rely on scare tactics to take advantage of your anxiety to get you to provide your personal information. Phrases "urgent action required", "your account will be deleted",  and "your account has been compromised" are few examples.

3. Unrecognized or Suspicious Links - never click a link (called click bait) and provide your information from an unknown email sender. 

